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Art for expression

by Carolina Treviño

While we grow older the idea of seeming stronger in front of people lives in our mind, even though we have million problems in our head. Nowadays we value less our feelings, avoid the desire to cry and the expression of opinions. All of these just for fear of breaking others image of us, for worrying what others will think. Who said sadness was the same as weakness? Why should we keep our feeling to ourselves? It is proven that people that struggle for lack of emotional expression suffer pain daily. It can cause a tumor and lead even to cancer. 


Here is the easiest solution, art. Art is a very known form of expression. Not very used but amazingly effective in your mental health treatment and well being. Any feeling can be ripped by art. Not only that, but art can help discover new feelings you didn’t even knew existed inside you. Art helps reduce stress and anxiety. I’ve read throughout my years of art development that in psychology, the use of art is helpful to treat the patients with psychological disorders. Art has helped and has been used as therapy for many years now. The idea is that creativity develops in someone’s brain while painting. The majority of the time people are making use of the right side of the brain, what art does is turn into use some of the left side of the brain, parts of the brain you nearly never use. This can create healing and mental well being. 

An example very close to me is myself. I started doing paintings when I was 5 years old, I used to do it for fun and I really didn’t put so much effort into it, but know I creat realistic paintings, I play some music and take hours to do any type of art, this has helped me with my anger issues and my stress. There are many problems in this earth and art may not solve them all, but absolutely a variety of them. Pornography for example, people who watch this probably have nothing else to do with their time, keeping yourself busy is the solution. People who cannot control their emotions is because they haven’t had the time to let them in, expression is the solution, and many other psychological problems may be solved with art. 

“Sofia Alcausa” studied psychology, here is Sofia’s testimony:

“Art has helped me a lot. I have learned so many things through it, I have lived so unique experiences with your single company. Through art I have felt no more lonely, but connected to the world.” 

Thanks to art our world has experienced big changes and ha evolved, thanks to art we can stop suffering and explode our feelings just by painting, drawing or even carefully observing.


Art is like a different lenguage, one that we can create ourselves because your art and my art may never be the same, and not many could understand what your trying to say, but at least you could express it and feel free. Art is a language that doesn’t need rules or limits. Art doesn’t even need words or sounds but can be so loud at the either way. So loud that it can change you and me, it can change the world. 


Sources: “Verywell Mind” (August 28, 2019) Retrived in Feb 2, 2019. How Does Art Therapy Work for Patients? “ARTHELPS” (March 23, 2020)  Retrived in Feb 2, 2019. Arthelps

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